Angela Usas
Heart Guide & Chief Mama Usas
Hi, I'm Angela, a heart guide, mom of three, wife, daughter and sister. I feel all the feelings; always have, always will. I love that I feel. It keeps me centered in my heart, where our intuition and authentic selves live. I believe we are meant to live a life radiating from our heart centers. But, how do we do that with the everyday demands of life, being pulled in a million directions, feeling less than and unsupported?
I'm committed and passionate about empowering, loving and teaching women to come back to our heart centers so women
transform their lives forever!
We have strong yearnings for love and connection but we hold back from being our authentic selves, afraid of judgment or not being enough.
Until Now.
Come join us, learn practical tools to live authentically from your heart's center.
Let's be RADIANT!

The loves of my life:

My hubby, Jeff

Luca (8), Mateo (4) and Michaela (10)